How to participate

Round 16 (2024-2026) will open for entries in autumn 2024. Further information about the entry requirements, assessment process and the entry documents can be found below.

Entry requirements

The scheme is open to all UK colleges and universities that are recognised by the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) as qualification-awarding institutions.

Once you have identified a project or area of work which you feel addresses the criteria listed below, use the forms available on this page to create your entry and submit it to the email address shown.

To compete for a Queen’s Anniversary Prize, your entry can be in any subject, field or discipline. It must be evidence-based and persuade reviewers that:

  • It is of very high quality and an example of the best the UK can do in the particular field you have chosen
  • It is innovative or ground-breaking – and distinct from comparable work elsewhere
  • It brings specific benefits to your college or university, its educational activities, programmes and methods, and its standing
  • It delivers identifiable and verifiable public, scientific, educational and other practical benefits in the wider world

Entries must comprise an Application form, Summary sheet and a Main narrative of not more than 10 A4 pages. Entries should be submitted in the name of the head of the institution, who should sign the Application form and the Summary sheet. Entries should be sent to the Trust as separate PDF attachments to Full details are available in the Entry document available on this page.

Assessment process & timetable

Assessment of entries is undertaken by The Royal Anniversary Trust under a well-established and rigorous independent process. This takes around six months. Initial review is undertaken by a panel of over 300 readers, with a wide range of experience at senior and professional levels. After referral to technical and specialist bodies and advisers, and to government departments in the UK countries, a shortlist is created and recommendations are made by the Awards Council of the Trust.

Autumn 2024

Round 16 opens for entries

Spring 2025

Closing date for entries

April 2025

All entries assessed by Readers

May to September 2025

Entries under consideration referred to UK governments, subject specialists and technical experts and the Trust’s advisory panels

Late September 2025

Awards Council reviews shortlist of entries and makes recommendations for the award of the Prizes

November 2025

Prize-winners announced

Further guidance & FAQs

FAQs about the entry and assessment process, including questions raised at the webinars, can be found here.